Success Stories

We support and empower young people to pursue their dreams and aspirations. Since 2014 we have been connecting young people with opportunities for a better Aotearoa New Zealand. Check out some of our young change makers, our future leaders, who are a testament to the work we love to do.

Four Vanguard rangatahi tell their stories

Josephine Newton had to leave her family and her home in order to live her best life. Now she works in a restaurant at night to support herself, pay rent, buy food and attend school. See how Vanguard helped her to achieve the education that is so important to her.

Josie had a baby when she was young and she had to make a hard decision in order to get her life back on track – see how the physical challenges she faced at Vanguard helped her to overcome her fears and enjoy the success of achievement.

Parris is a 17 year old student at Vanguard Military School doing NCEA Level 3. Six years ago her world fell apart and she started self-harming in response. Now she travels 4 hours every day to attend the school that has changed her life.

Bradley lost his mother recently and before she passed away he made her a promise – now he’s focussed on fulfilling that promise at Vanguard Military School.

Connecting people with opportunities for a better Aotearoa New Zealand

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